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We do e-commerce.0.35advertising.0.35socials.0.35websites.0.35videos.


We offer a comprehensive suite of digital solutions to help businesses achieve success online.

We are Gigatt Co., a thriving e-commerce & creative digital marketing agency based in Macedonia.

Our main service

What we do

E-commerce Marketing

Our digital experiences are designed with a thorough understanding of your audience's psychology and behavior.

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We define your desired target audience.

It's essential for creating an e-commerce strategy that resonates with them.

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We optimize your website for conversions.

Your website is the heart of your e-commerce business. We optimize it for conversions.

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We leverage your advertising strategy.

We develop an advertising strategy that engages your audience, builds brand awareness, and drives sales.

All services

E-commerce Marketing

PPC Advertising

Social Media Marketing

Website Design

Video Production

Our Process

We prioritize client care and transparency during onboarding, ensuring a smooth and mutually beneficial partnership.

Request a quote​

Discovery call

Sign a contract​

Launch project!

Our mission

We strive to provide exceptional customer service to businesses while being driven by a higher calling to make a positive impact on the world through building lasting relationships with our clients, based on transparency and a shared commitment.

Our vision

We aim to create a new standard in the e-commerce business by designing digital marketing solutions that are grounded in truth and authenticity, and that prioritize the best interests of our clients and their customers.


Beyond conventional agencies.

Our agency's unwavering commitment to excellence drives us to consistently exceed conventional standards and set new benchmarks for success.

We are committed to delivering the highest quality work possible, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism, innovation, and excellence in all aspects of our business.

We embrace a growth mindset that encourages continuous learning, improvement, and innovation, and we strive to constantly challenge ourselves to be better and to do better for our clients and our community.

We are dedicated to serving our clients with integrity, transparency, and excellence, and we view every project as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

We believe in empowering our team members, clients, and community to achieve their goals and reach their full potential, by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed.

Looking for collaboration?

101 Jablanica, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Looking for a job? Send your resume
